Collage Challenge at Cloth Paper Scissors!

Today I came across a new challenge posted on website. It was for Cloth Paper Scissors first calendar! In 2010, they will be printing the works of 13 artists, and the theme is "Life is like a box of....." and we get to interpret artistically.

I am planning to enter, and I am very excited about this. My theme will be on music - "Life is like a box notes

The highs, the lows. The beautiful moments, the sad songs of life and of course how hard it is to play!    My canvas will have Beethoven's music and new random music toilet paper - I found the other night while shopping at Fanueil Hall in Boston. It's hilarious as a product, but think it will be an excellent collage material :)

The artwork for the contest is due in February, so I have enough time to make a new 12" x 12" piece. Luckily I already have a few canvases this size!

Looking forward to posting these new music inspired pieces up for review soon.